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Rowan Thompkins

Success Stories

Staying the Course

Rowan Thompkins

UM-Ann Arbor Student

Rowan Thompkins, of Holt, Michigan, knew early on that he wanted to pursue his education beyond high school. “There are so many opportunities out in the world that I want to experience. And I knew that having a college degree would make those more possible for me,” says Thompkins. “Holt is a decent town not far from Lansing. There is plenty to do there, but not enough to keep you satisfied forever.”

It was that desire to explore new horizons that propelled Thompkins to set his sights on the University of Michigan. “U-M has always been my dream school. It’s the best of the best in my opinion. I knew I had to get there, whatever it took,” he says. “I was never really a STEM type of student in high school. Science was my worst subject. Then I took a biology class during my sophomore year and the teacher made it really interesting and fun. It piqued my interest. For the first time, I actually felt like science was worth learning about.”

During the early stages of the pandemic, Thompkins started doing some independent research on brain function and how the brain worked. “It was just so fascinating to me. That was when it kind of all clicked. I knew that studying the brain was what I wanted to do,” he says.

This led Thompkins to major in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience (BCN) in the U-M College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. The program integrates natural science components, including neuroscience, cognitive science, and evolutionary approaches to the study of behavior. “Originally, I planned to study neuroscience on its own, but then I learned about the BCN major and how many opportunities it opens up for working in different fields. There are just a lot of things you can do with it,” says Thompkins.

Adapting to Change

Quite unexpectedly, tragedy struck Thompkins’ family during the initial semester of his first year at U-M. “My father passed away. It was a really challenging time. All of a sudden we were making funeral arrangements,” he says. “On top of that, I knew it was going to be a lot more difficult to continue on at U-M, if at all, with my existing financial aid. So I went back to the financial aid office and discussed my situation with a really amazing woman there. That’s when I first learned about the Go Blue Guarantee. I filed all the necessary paperwork, and the support actually started about a week later.”

Thompkins says that the Go Blue Guarantee has definitely changed his life. “This support has been a lifesaver. It has lifted all the financial burden, stress, and worry for me and my family. Most importantly, I was able to continue on at the University of Michigan. That means everything to me,” he says.

Firsthand Experience

Thompkins notes the value of his participation in the LSA Health Sciences Scholars Program (HSSP), which introduces key issues and the breadth of careers in the health sciences by bringing together students and faculty from a broad range of backgrounds, interests, and experiences. “HSSP has been a great experience. We have the opportunity to shadow medical professionals in all different kinds of fields four times a year. We’re also getting hands-on experience in simulation labs,” says Thompkins. “It has helped me step back and think about what I truly want to do. During my first year, I was regularly involved with the program, and have since become a peer mentor.”

Defining a Path

Thompkins is especially passionate about mental health. “I’m leaning more toward the psychology side of things now. I’m someone who has had a plethora of their own mental health issues,” he says. “What intrigues me most about my field of study is the fact that there's so much we don't understand about the brain and how it works. I like the unknown. I like finding answers to challenging questions. I want to be someone who can figure out the answers we are not yet sure of.”

One day he’d like to open his own psychotherapy practice. “Ideally, I would like to focus on getting help to communities that don't often have their voices heard, like the African American and LGBTQ communities,” says Thompkins. “I would like to provide safe spaces for these groups to be seen and heard.”

A Second Pursuit

Thompkins has chosen music as his minor field of study. “Creating and playing music has always been a passion of mine, since I was very young. I play many instruments, but mostly the clarinet and ukulele,” he says. “Once I started making music of my own I knew that, even if it wasn't something I pursued full time, it would be something I would never be able to let go of.”

Living and Learning

Thompkins has made many strong connections at U-M. “I don't think I've ever found better and truer friends since coming here. And every time I'm with them, it's just so much fun,” he says. “I feel so validated and seen. It’s been amazing finding my community here.”

Thompkins is moving forward with great enthusiasm in this new chapter of his life. At the same time, he notes the challenges he has faced in navigating life on his own since his father’s passing. “My dad was always my rock. He was the person I turned to when things were going great or going terrible,” he says. “It’s been especially hard, but I have learned that I am capable of a lot more than I thought. There are things I thought I couldn’t navigate on my own. Being able to find myself here at the University of Michigan, and to see what I can accomplish has made all the difference.”

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  • Payton Moore

    Manifesting a Dream

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    Honestly, receiving the Go Blue Guarantee is what allowed me to get the caliber of undergraduate education that I did, and to be able to go on to law school.

  • Keirra Scott

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    It still feels unreal to be the first in my family to graduate — from a top university — and to be supported in the way I was the entire time. It really opened doors for me. I'm very grateful for my education.

  • Odri Martinez

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    The Go Blue Guarantee did the impossible for me.  I never thought that I would be able to go to a good school or come out of college without any debt. I was able to do both.

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